36 HOLE MEDAL. The Scratch Cup (To be held by the club which the winner is a member) for the best gross score. The winner will be County Champion for the year. First, second, third and fourth Prizes. Best AM & PM Net Excluding Gross and Net winners.
2024 NGL County Champion is Jamie Milligan WELLINGBOROUGH GC
PARSONS CUP. Concurrently a separate competition for the Parson Cup, kindly presented by F.F. PARSONS, ESQ, which the winner will hold for one year, will be held under handicap index below 7.4. First, second and third prizes.
SCRATCH COMPETITION. FOR PLAYERS UNDER 22 YEARS OF AGE. “Braid’s Driver” kindly presented by C.S. CATLOW, ESQ, will be held for one year by the player under 22 years of age on 7th JUNE 2025 who returns the best scratch score over 36 holes on the day.
CHAMPION CLUB TROPHY will be presented to the club with the lowest aggregate of the best three SCRATCH individual scores. See also Condition below. Champion Club Trophy kindly presented by M.J. IZZARD. ESQ.
Entrance fee: £42.00 (includes a light lunch)
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