
Northants Golf

Brampton Heath Cecil Leitch Statistics

Unbeaten Streak | Winning Streak | Most Appearances | Highest Ratio | Player of the League

24Jane Rowe (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
22Bryony Travill (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
18Ann Eason (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
18Mouse Milner (MC) (Northampton)
14Rosemary Hardie (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
14Christine Halliday (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
12Susan Hancock (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
12Jean Pickering (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
10Wendy Mckie (Delapre)
10Margaret Tutchener (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
8Mary Ruth Ireland (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
8Gillian Sparrow (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
4Lyn Hayward (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
4Pamela Hibberd (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
2Linda Kier (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
2Vicki Lafferty (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
2Pauline Frost (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)

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