
Northants Golf

Kettering Cecil Leitch Statistics

Unbeaten Streak | Winning Streak | Most Appearances | Highest Ratio | Player of the League

33Amanda Campbell (Kettering)
31Sally Bingham (Kettering)
26E Wilkins (Kettering)
26Kathryn Stronach (Wellingborough)
19Karen Atherton (Kettering)
18Sarah Pattison (Kettering)
16J F Galbraith (Kettering)
14Vera Carter (Kettering Golf Club)
12Andrea Whitlam (Kettering)
11Cathy Kemp (Kettering)
8Kathy Morrison (Kettering)
8C H Cameron (Kettering)
8S Patel (Kettering)
6Suzanne Hope (Kettering Golf Club)
6Kirsty Critchley (Wellingborough)
6Pam Bailey (Kettering Golf Club)
4Viv Lewis (Kettering)
4Jenny Simms (Kettering)
4Yvonne Harkess (Kettering)
4Margaret Preece (Kettering Golf Club)
2S E Mobbs (Kettering)
2S Goldsack (Kettering Golf Club)
2Ann Cooney (Kettering)
2V M Tee (Kettering Golf Club)
2E Bishop (Kettering)
2C Dainty (Kettering)
2C D Murphy (Kettering Golf Club)
2Ashleigh Critchley (Wellingborough Golf Club)

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