
Northants Golf

Kettering Junior Statistics

Unbeaten Streak | Winning Streak | Most Appearances | Highest Ratio | Player of the League

12James Attwood (Kettering)
12RUBY SMITH (Kettering)
10Theo Brown (Northamptonshire County Golf Club)
9Ashleigh Critchley (Wellingborough Golf Club)
8Joseph Hyde (Kettering)
8Jordan Darnell (Kettering)
7Edward Keech (Kettering)
6Ben Atherton (Kettering)
6J Ingham (Kettering Golf Club)
6Jack Fowler (Kettering)
6Finn Smith (Kettering Golf Club)
4Spencer Hughes (Kettering Golf Club)
4Luca Brown (Northamptonshire County Golf Club)
4R. D. Hardwick (Kettering Golf Club)
4A Cooney (Kettering Golf Club)
4Samuel Noon (Kettering)
2Toby Askew (Kettering Golf Club)
2Reece Dodd (Kettering)
2Chelsey Sharp (Northamptonshire County)
2Andrew Alexander (Kettering)
2Richard Ashcroft (Kettering)
2K Sibley (Kettering Golf Club)
2Harry Turner (Wellingborough Golf Club)
2Joel Richardson (Kettering Golf Club)

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