
Northants Golf

Kingsthorpe Cecil Leitch Statistics

Unbeaten Streak | Winning Streak | Most Appearances | Highest Ratio | Player of the League

16Angela Crawley (Collingtree Park)
14Nicol Golding (Kingsthorpe)
13Nadia Anderson (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
12Juanita Pryer (Kingsthorpe)
11Rosie Cullis (Collingtree Park)
9Linda Weston (Kingsthorpe)
8Ionie Robinson (Kingsthorpe)
8Nicola Bandey (Kingsthorpe)
8Jackie Rolfe (Delapre)
6Carol Collins (Delapre)
6Judy Abraham (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
4Leslie Jaeger (Kingsthorpe)
4Madeline Henderson (Northamptonshire County)
4Val Wesson (Kingsthorpe)
4Laura Baker (Kingsthorpe)
2Lin Birch (Delapre)
2Shirley Swan (Delapre)
2Sue Jones (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
2Irene McGowan (Northamptonshire County)
2Ann Wyatt (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
2Anne Seabrook (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)

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