
Northants Golf

Kingsthorpe Hollingsworth Statistics

Unbeaten Streak | Winning Streak | Most Appearances | Highest Ratio | Player of the League

54Jake Croxford (Collingtree Park)
40Steve Jackson (Kingsthorpe)
38Paul Croxford (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
34Jason Spence (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
30Mark Lineham (Northamptonshire County)
30Gavin Hitchcock (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
28Leigh Woodward (Kingsthorpe)
26Jack Walding (Collingtree Park)
26Mark Bazeley (Northampton)
24Elijah Woodward (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
22Taylor SARGEANT (Overstone Park)
20Lee O'Connor (Kingsthorpe)
20Kristian Spence (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
16Louis Wixon (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
14Simon Kerr (Kingsthorpe)
12Oliver Haywood (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
10Carl Jonas (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
10Max Armstrong (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
10Ian Townsend (Kingsthorpe)
10Jack Brown (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
10Andrew Lay (Kingsthorpe)
8Jason McGuinness (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
8Mike Burnhope (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
8Guy Loveland (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
8Matt Landers (Cold Ashby Golf Club)
8Peter Scott (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
6M.j. Sibley (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
6Dale Betts (Kingsthorpe)
6Pete Earl (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
6Mark David Parry (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
6steve MacDonald (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
6No Player - Walkover 1 ()
6No Player - Walkover 2 ()
6nathan bull (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
4Gary Hardy (Northampton)
4Daniel Blackmore (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
4A Trott (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
4Paul Cranswick (Collingtree Park)
2Adam Malin (Kingsthorpe)
2Darren Cope (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
2Anton Clarke (Kingsthorpe)
2Neil Picton (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
2Mark Todkill (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
2Thomas-Tom- Peach (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
2Sam Wright (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
2Martin Dunn (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
2jason martin (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
2Adrian Fullthorpe (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
2No Player - Walkover 3 ()
2No Player - Walkover 4 ()
2Gary Malin (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
2Liam McNeela (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
2Russell Beadsmore (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
2Darren Smith (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)

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