
Northants Golf

Northampton GC Junior B Statistics

Unbeaten Streak | Winning Streak | Most Appearances | Highest Ratio | Player of the League

18Ben Lavender (Northampton)
13Matthew Reeve (Northampton)
8Katie Amos (Northamptonshire County)
8Jordan Matthews (Northampton Golf Club)
6Elliot Strickland (Northampton)
6Charlotte Gilkes (Northampton Golf Club)
6Lara Auld (Northampton Golf Club)
6Riley Hammond (Northampton)
5Daniel Cichuta (Northampton Golf Club)
5Cameron Black (Northampton)
4Elise Warden (Northampton)
4Josh ( J ) Limbert (Northampton Golf Club)
4Luke James (Northampton)
4Samuel Gilkes (Northampton)
4Ellis Whittles (Northampton Golf Club)
4Sophie Copson (Northampton Golf Club)
3Jade Potter (Northampton)
2Ollie Walden (Northampton)
2Ross Garlick (Northampton Golf Club)
2Mackenzie Warden (Northampton)
2Leah Ribano (Northampton)
2Ethan La Porta (Northamptonshire County)
2Max Smith (Northampton Golf Club)

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