
Northants Golf

Oundle Scratch Statistics

Unbeaten Streak | Winning Streak | Most Appearances | Highest Ratio | Player of the League

28David (Thrapston) Young (Oundle Golf Club)
23G Rice (Oundle Golf Club)
23Joel Tadman (Burghley Park Golf Club)
23L Wyatt (Burghley Park Golf Club)
21Sean Turner (Oundle Golf Club)
19Ashley Smith (Oundle Golf Club)
15Dean Montgomery (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
14Michael Davidson (Oundle)
14A Saunders (Oundle Golf Club)
12Eddy Lawson (Oundle)
12Steve Oldham (Oundle Golf Club)
10Graeme Eadie (Oundle)
10Jack Ireson (Oundle Golf Club)
9Paul Bracegirdle (Oundle)
8David Turner (Oundle Golf Club)
8David Johnstone (Rushden Golf Club)
8Sean Quinn (Oundle)
8Jack Logan (Oundle Golf Club)
6Thomas Forster (Oundle Golf Club)
6Kit Alexander (Burghley Park Golf Club)
6John Crawley (Oundle)
5No Player - Walkover 6 ()
4Cory James (Oundle Golf Club)
3Jacques Lourens (Oundle)
2Stephen Griffin (Oundle)
2Adam Butler (Oundle)
2Michal Jursa (Oundle Golf Club)
2Charlie Fowler (Oundle)
2George Crawley (Oundle)
2Martin Camp (Oundle Golf Club)
2D J Rawden (Oundle Golf Club)

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