Owing to holidays and injuries we were struggling to get a full team to play against a very competitive Warwickshire team. However, Lema Townsend our match secretary managed to persuade enough people to play in this scratch match.
The first two ladies out were our strong pair of Gill Snelson (Wellingborough) and Anne Wright (Delapre) who managed 6 birdies during their round and came in 4 and 3 winners against Sue Westall and Sue Short.
Next saw Angela Duck (N.C.G.C.) and Jean Mckenzie (Northampton) play a very tight game against Pat Hale and Glenda Loram which ended all square.
The next three games were wins for Warwickshire, Lema Townsend(Wellingborough) and last minute replacement Celia Edwards (N.C.G.C.) went down to the Captain of Warwickshire, Sue Timberlake and her partner Judith Peglar.
Pat Silburn (Oundle) and Olly Hickman (Northampton) played a close game with a loss by 2 holes to Gill Winstanley and Marsha Button.
Gill Hodgson (Overstone) and Maddie Henderson (Kingsthorpe) lost to Jane Betts (Warwickshire President ) and Sue Hart on the 17th 2 and 1.
The next match went to the 18th hole and saw Kerry Hambleton (Overstone) and Jean Poolton (Northampton) win by one hole to Christine Kennedy and Lyn Brooke.
Anita Cordery (Elton Furze) and Karen Johnson (Oundle) won the penultimate match 3 and 1 against Jane Colman and Karen McKenna.
The final result rested on our final pairing of Pauline Hurley and very last minute replacement Jane Ross our past Captain both from Elton Furze and it was exciting to see the concentration of Pauline's last putt which resulted in a half and meant that the match ended all square.
Congratulations to all the ladies who played and thanks to them all for supporting Northants Vets.