Our 3rd Team played their second match of the season at Northampton Golf Club. The match was, as usual, oversubscribed with 16 players to select from nearly 40 members on the list. Apologies to those who didn't get to play in this match, Northampton Golf Club is always a popular venue and a beautiful, established course with a very welcome half way house on the 9th tee. The Northants ladies were chosen from all around the County, eleven clubs were represented from Elton Furze, Pytchley Lodge, Silverstone, Brampton Heath, Delapre, Kettering, Kingsthorpe, Northants County, Northampton and Whittlebury.
On a calm, sunny day, Northants won the match by 7 matches to 1, a great performance and testament to the ladies who played.
Match |
Northamptonshire |
Leicestershire |
Scores/Holes Up |
No. |
Home Team |
Away Team |
Home |
Away |
1 |
Linda Smith |
25.7 |
Helen Waterhouse |
24.8 |
2up |
Theresa Amalfitano |
22.8 |
Janette Pallas |
27.7 |
Mary Ganley |
26.1 |
Gill Collins |
28.3 |
3&2 |
Bryony Travill |
25.7 |
Jane Chivers |
25.9 |
Lin Birch |
26.2 |
Ruth Sinclair |
26.3 |
8&7 |
Jane Ashby |
25.0 |
Pam Ellis |
25.1 |
Maggie Nutt |
32.5 |
Liz Toney |
30.4 |
1up |
Diane Wells |
29.4 |
Myra Burrows |
28.4 |
5 |
Katie Ashton |
22.8 |
Avis Webb |
26.4 |
2up |
Rhoda Philbin |
25.9 |
Joyce Calow |
25.1 |
Betty MvGowan |
27.4 |
Anne Freeman |
25.0 |
3&2 |
Viv Lewis |
27.2 |
Janet Satchwell |
27.2 |
Joan Ritchie |
28.6 |
Sue Davis |
28.9 |
6&4 |
Barbara Hignett |
35.6 |
Ann Parkin |
25.2 |
Sue Dawkins Lorraine Betts |
29.0 27.7 |
Pauline Vickers Jacqueline Latham |
28.7 26.7 |
5&3 |
7 | 1 |
Christine Coles Captain 2020/2021