The inaugural Gina Evans 3 ball alliance took place at Priors Hall GC on Friday 29th April. Tthe aim was to invite Lady Past Captains and friends to raise funds for girls coaching while enjoying a friendly game of golf at a delightful course.
Twenty one teams took part and the raffle raised £224 for girls coaching.
Winners: Liz Swan, Ros Riley, Karen Taylor (Oundle) 79points
2nd place: Rosie Cullis (Kingsthorpe) Angela Crawley(Collingtree) Janet Gower (Wellingborough) 79 points
3rd place: Linda Steel, Bronwen Curtis Candice Jones (Staverton) 79 points
4th place: Suzanne Silvester, Ellen Roe, Julie Howes (Overstone) 78 points
Nearest the pins:
Kerry Hambleton (Overstone) on the 5th
Carol Gibbs (Wellingborough) on the 8th
Candice Jones (Staverton) on the 12th
Jane Ross (Elton Furze) on the 15th