The Ladies 1st team played against the Lincs 1st on Monday 4th July at Peterborough Milton Golf Club. The weather was sunny but not too warm, however a stiff headwind started on the first hole which, fortunately, prevented any lady driving into the inviting pond on the 1st hole. Many of the ladies had played against each other before or, in some cases, had played for Northants before moving to Lincs so there was a lot of friendly banter at the start and throughout the match.

At the 9th green Sandy Burgess, NVLGA President, kindly provided much needed chocolates and the match progress was checked. There were some very good approach shots to the 9th green and a few birdies. On our way back to the clubhouse we meet several people taking part in their DofE expedition – some looked lost!

After an anxious wait in the clubhouse the players began to come down the 18th. The first match was all square going down the 18th but, unluckily for us, Lincs managed to win 1 up. The next two matches followed swiftly and were both loses for Northants. Things were not looking good and there was a long wait for the fourth match but this was a resounding win for Northants – one Northants Lady had played to par throughout the match and was left wondering why she couldn’t do this in a match at her home club. This set the trend for all the following matches with an overall score of 5-3 to Northants.

The Lincs ladies commented on how much they enjoyed the course particularly the undulating greens which they were not used to.

Many thanks to PMGC particularly the catering staff who provided an excellent post match meal despite many changes including some on the day including one Northants lady who had to dash off as her daughter had gone into labour on the day – hope your second grandson arrived safely Ros! Also many thanks to Barbara Skeet, PMGC Vets rep, who was a great help on the day and good company.

Karen Hiles

Vice Captain

Matches Northamptonshire Result Points Linclonshire Result Points

Carol Gibbs

Yvonne Wilcox

Jayne Crooks

Cindy Ireland

1up 1

Gill Snelson

Oggie Wentworth

Andrea Smogargale

Dee Ginnity

2&1 1

Gill Hodgson

Kathryn Stronach

Anne Wright

Nicky Plumtree

4&4 1

Theresa Hammon

Pauline Hurley

6&4 1

Cathy Lee

Bev Dolman


Ros Cuthbert

Jacqueline Mudd

5&4 1

Helen Bradshaw

Sue Simpson


Miriam Johnson

Karin Henderson

1up 1

Nancy Tatham

Judith Gorman


Pat Silburn

Ann Edwards

2up 1

Di Rafferty

Lesley Young


Rachael Fisher

Suzanne Silvester

3&2 1

Helena Steward

Gill Chatterton
