The long hot spell over the previous weeks meant that the course was very dry and players knew that the ball was running well in these conditions. There were many last minute changes to handicap indexes on both sides as players benefitted positively which meant changes to the cards and numbers of shots given and received. Apart from this admin headache all was set for a good match between the two teams. The first team had beaten Leicestershire convincingly at Collingtree and the third team had managed a draw at Charnwood so what could the second team achieve?

The game was played in excellent spirit. It was cloudy but warm with a breeze so comfortable golfing weather. Players remarked that the fairways were almost white with the greens and tee boxes standing out in such a contrasting way. Very few of the opposition had played at Brampton Heath before and commented afterwards about the very deep bunkers they had to contend with. I warned them at the start that the gorse bushes on the course were very, very prickly so keep out of them- some wished they had listened to that advice!

Back at the halfway house the first group came through in well under two hours. Vera and Gina whispered that they were well up at the turn as both seemed to be having their best games and gelled together nicely. Other groups followed quickly with similar tales to tell- it was certainly looking good for Northamptonshire.

“Do you think it might rain?” asked the latter groups. “No. It’s forecast cloudy,” was my response. No sooner had the words passed my lips than the heavens opened! Up went the brollies, on went the rain jackets and the storm passed. Within minutes the next group arrived and were wet- not because of the storm but because a sprinkler had come on just as they were playing through. They did see the funny side. Sandy dished out the chocolates to all the ladies as they passed and it was noticeable how much everyone was enjoying themselves.

Sandra Roberts, the Leics. Captain played in the fourth group and was horrified that her team were already 4 down when she came in. A win by her 5th group raised her hopes for a draw but that was soon dashed. We joked about how this match hadn’t been nearly as friendly as the Charnwood one. 

I’d like to thank Brampton Heath golf club for hosting the match and add my praise to the poor lady working on her own to run the bar and keep the outside space tidy and clean. The youngsters that served the meal seemed surprised that we might like napkins and a fork as well as a spoon to eat the fresh fruit salad but otherwise an enjoyable meal.

Lizzie Crow

Matches Northamptonshire Result Points Leicestershier & Rutland Result Points

Vera White

Gina Evans

5&4 1

Sue Gee

Pam Hall


Carole Kane

Ellen Steel

5&3 1

Angela Wright

Jane Bews


Candice Jones

Nardia Anderson

2&1 1

Nicky Collett

Kerry Variava


Cecelia Edwards

Jan Roberts

2up 1

Sandra Roberts

Marie Shelton


Irene Rhodes

Rosie Cullis

Sue Roberts

Christine Ratcliffe-L'Worth

4&3 1

Janet Lambdon

Heather Williams

4&3 1

Fiona Johnson

Elaine Holloway


Jean Poulton

Carol Collins

3&1 1

Amanda Morgan

Jo Pepper


Karen Hiles

Jill Cousins

3&1 1

Jan Dorn

Lucy Pover
