
Northants Golf

Statistics for Pauline Terry

Colmworth & North Beds Golf ClubWHS Handicap Calculator

Par 3 Avg - 5.60
Par 4 Avg - 6.09
Par 5 Avg - 7.36

Scoring Analysis for Pauline Terry

Gross Scoring Trend

Stableford Trend

Scoring Distribution

Handicap Trend

Handicap Index History

You can now sort the results below by clicking on gross, nett or stableford

Competition Date Course Gross Nett Sford
2018 Ladies NGL Champion of Champions H Sunday 30th September 2018 Kingsthorpe 116 89  
2018 Vets Ladies NGL Spring Meeting Senior Cup H Monday 14th May 2018 Peterbourgh Milton 68 + 7 holes 17
2017 Vets Ladies NGL Spring Meeting Senior Cup H Monday 15th May 2017 Whittlebury Blue Yellow 84 + 4 holes 23
2016 Vets Ladies NGL Spring Meeting H Monday 9th May 2016 64 + 8 holes 12

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