
Northants Golf

Ladies Vets 3rd v Leicestershire & Rutland match

Monday 25th June 2018 at Kingsthorpe GC

Our 3rd team match was held at Kingsthorpe GC, in extremely hot weather, which most of the Ladies coped very well with. Avis the L & R Captain arrived late as she had got a puncture, not far from the Golf Club, so a very kind gentleman from the club, picked her up so that we could do the cards,  and then return to her car to take it to the garage, to replace the tyre. 
The L&R Lady President and myself, watch all the Ladies tee off from the 1st, making sure they had plenty to drink, until they reach the half way house, were they could fill up their bottles and prepare themselves for the 2nd nine holes. Avis and myself walked up to the 9th hole, which is a par 3, excellent for watching the golf. There were a few Birdie chances for some of the Ladies, but that little ball just rolled by, but excellent par's were made. Most of the matches after the 9th hole were all square, so we were very happy Captains. This is how the matches continued and the final result was a draw. Well done to all the Ladies for surviving the heat, we did have 2 casualties however, these 2 Ladies had to be picked up by a buggy, to bring them in, as the heat and sun was too much for them. Once they were in doors, in the cool, they felt much better. We enjoyed the lovely meal that Nicki the caterer at Kingsthorpe had made, so thank you Nicki , and thank you to Kingsthorpe GC for having us for the day. I would also like to say thank you to Carol for helping me, and thank you to Dion our Lady President, for coming over to support us, it was lovely to see you. 

Tracy Bishop

Leicestershire & Rutland
Vera Carter/Janet Gower
Joan Whitehead/Elaine Wesley1up
 Margaret Redman/Shirley Swan4&2Myra Burrows/Beverley Kaye
Bryony Travill/Harriet Deller
Carolyn Harlopp/ Lynn Morgan1up
Doreen Morrison/Pat Wilson3&2 Lynda Fitcher/Sally Lee
Vivian Lewis/Mary Ganley5&3Sue Millward/Janet Bentley
Lin Birch/Hennie Cordner2upCarol Frith/Ann Rushin
Kath Mumford/ Norma Blake
Sue Davis/Christine Savage4&2
Viv Jones/Pauline Terry
Jane Houghton/Ann French​3&2

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