
Northants Golf

Brampton Heath Hollingsworth Statistics

Unbeaten Streak | Winning Streak | Most Appearances | Highest Ratio | Player of the League

54Andrew Sewell (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
38Mark Halliday (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
32Gary McAllister (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
30Elliott Metcalfe (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
28Alec Francis (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
26Harry Brown (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
24David Gottsch (Staverton Park Golf Club)
24James Wiggins (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
20Brendan Kelly (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
20Guy Loveland (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
18Lee Bellham (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
16Jack Brown (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
16Matthew James (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
12stephen Holt (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
12Fraser Carnihan (Overstone Park)
12Nick Herridge (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
10Adrian Milward (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
10Ben Jones (Northamptonshire County Golf Club)
10Daniel Duggan (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
10Ruud Mcallister (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
8Matt Smith (Wellingborough)
8Ben Morriss (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
8Simon Clarke (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
8Hamdi Bulugma (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
6Charlie Bodsworth (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
6Steve Crane (Gedney Hill Golf Club)
6Nigel Packer (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
6andy tebbutt (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
4Matthew Clulow (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
4Ryan Grant (Northamptonshire County)
4Paul Bull (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
4Leighton Adams (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
4Stephen Nixon (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
4Charlie Mains (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
4Dean Montgomery (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
4Joseph Brooker (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
4James Roe (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
4Alan Nicholl (Trent Lock Golf Centre)
4Adam Walton (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
2Ricky Stockwell (Northamptonshire County Golf Club)
2Barry Kelly (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
2Michael Burrows (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
2Gary James (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
2Tony SNAGS Bodsworth (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
2Mr Lee Wilkins (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
2Paul Reynolds ()
2Damien Heffernan (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
2Vince Wood (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
2Joe Witty (Northamptonshire County)
2Raphael Rowlands (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
2Ollie Salter (Northampton Golf Club)
2No Player - Walkover 5 ()
2Phil Farrell (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
2Mark Langley (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
2Adam Millman (Cold Ashby - STABLEFORD CUP COURSE)
2Wayne Wright (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)

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