
Northants Golf

Brampton Heath Scratch Statistics

Unbeaten Streak | Winning Streak | Most Appearances | Highest Ratio | Player of the League

53Jack Brown (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
51Alec Francis (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
41David Gottsch (Staverton Park Golf Club)
35Harry Brown (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
34Nick Herridge (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
28Andrew Sewell (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
23Stephen Field (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
20Ricky Stockwell (Northamptonshire County Golf Club)
20Fraser Carnihan (Overstone Park)
17Matt Smith (Wellingborough)
17Damien Heffernan (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
15Guy Loveland (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
14Philip Anderson (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
13Brendan Kelly (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
11Ben Jones (Northamptonshire County Golf Club)
9Steve Crane (Gedney Hill Golf Club)
9Max Faulkner (Northamptonshire County)
8Adrian Milward (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
8No Player - Walkover 1 ()
8No Player - Walkover 8 ()
8No Player - Walkover 7 ()
8Adam Ashby-Clarke (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
8Thomas Cowley (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
7No Player - Walkover 5 ()
6No Player - Walkover 3 ()
6No Player - Walkover 4 ()
6No Player - Walkover 2 ()
6Lewis Sanderson (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
6No Player - Walkover 6 ()
6Mr Lee Wilkins (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
6Matthew Hodgkiss (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
5Ollie Salter (Northampton Golf Club)
5stephen Holt (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
4Dean Montgomery (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
2Elliott Metcalfe (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
2Marcus McGrady (Whittlebury Park Golf & Country Club)
2nathan bull (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
2Charlie Bodsworth (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
2Simon Oliver (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)

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