
Northants Golf

Collingtree Handicap Statistics

Unbeaten Streak | Winning Streak | Most Appearances | Highest Ratio | Player of the League

48Alistair Biggin (Overstone Park)
47Mike Clarke (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
47Iain Tait (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
46Samish Patel (Collingtree Park)
42Mark Spring (Delapre)
37Kevin Parfitt (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
35Michael Knight (Collingtree Park)
35Tony Greenhill (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
34David Messom (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
34Andrew Dennis (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
33Stuart Maddison (Delapre)
32Dick Underwood (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
31Josh Sampson (Delapre)
30Stephen Low (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
30Trevor Twelftree (Collingtree Park)
28Anthony Brown (Collingtree Park)
25Craig Hartwright (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
25Wayne Harmer (Collingtree Park)
22Conor Rosling (Northamptonshire County)
20Shaun Walpole (Collingtree Park)
20Jon Barnell (Delapre)
18Pete Bulliman (Collingtree Park)
18Raymond Peters (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
18Andrew Bush (Wellingborough Golf Club)
18Mark Cotton (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
18Chris Malton (Northampton Golf Club)
16Roo Smith (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
15Tom Low (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
15Robert Horton (Woburn Golf Club)
15Steve Cole (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
14Jody Parfitt (j) (Collingtree Park)
14Jensen Parfitt (Collingtree Park)
13Simon Giles (Collingtree Park)
13Samuel McGimpsey (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
12Ken Lawrie (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
12Jason HENDLE (Overstone Park Golf Club)
12Ian Smith (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
12Paul Curtis (Collingtree Park)
11Mark Orchard (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
11Craig Collins (Northamptonshire County Golf Club)
11Max Andrews (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
11Joe Johnson (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
10Robert Smout (Woburn Golf Club)
10Clint Cooke (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
10Lee Brown (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
10Tom Jnr Philbin (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
10Richard Underwood (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
9Michael Lee (Collingtree Park)
9Michael McGuinness (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
9Russell Sizer (Northamptonshire County Golf Club)
9Lamont Montezu (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
9Geoffrey Smith (Overstone Park Golf Club)
8James Stanley (Collingtree Park)
8Daniel Todd (Collingtree Park)
8A M R Smith (Addington Palace Golf Club)
8David Combes (Collingtree Park)
8Adrian Kilshaw (Northamptonshire County Golf Club)
7Archie Plowman (Collingtree Park)
7Phillip Read (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
7Aled Owen (Delapre)
7Graham Smith (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
6Chris Stills (Collingtree Park)
6Jonathan Gould (Wellingborough Golf Club)
6Gerry Lapham (Collingtree Park)
6Alasdair Gibson (Woburn Golf Club)
6Paul Dimmock (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
5Keith Smith (Collingtree Park)
5Dick Spaughton (Wellingborough Golf Club)
5Steve Phillips (Collingtree Park)
4Howard Gillard (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
4Ron Major (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
4Alex Bonser (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
4Chris Hill (Collingtree Park)
4Lee Sanders (Collingtree Park)
4Adam Haywood (Collingtree Park)
4Peter Owen (Delapre)
4Josh Crawley (Collingtree Park)
4Carl Samtani (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
4Gerald Monaghan (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
4Stan Hall (Northamptonshire County Golf Club)
4Aidan Rudge (J) (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
4Simon Haywood (Collingtree Park)
4George Brooks (Collingtree Park)
4Graham Nichols (Collingtree Park)
3Mason Geddes (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
3Peter Brooks (Collingtree Park)
3Stuart Millward (Overstone Park Golf Club)
3Alistair Robinson (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
3Neil Gibbs (Collingtree Park)
3Douglas Coull (Mill Ride Golf Club)
3Gary McMenimin (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
2Lawrence Bulliman (Collingtree Park)
2Sam Holmes (Collingtree Park)
2Roger Bufton (Collingtree Park)
2David Aldcroft (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
2Harry Williams (Collingtree Park)
2Gary Simpson (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
2Terry Morgan (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
2Daniel O'Shea (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
2Kieron Healey (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
2D Oshea (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
2Paul Hammond (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
2No Player - Walkover 3 ()
2No Player - Walkover 4 ()
2No Player - Walkover 5 ()
2No Player - Walkover 6 ()
2No Player - Walkover 1 ()
2No Player - Walkover 2 ()
2Paul Woodbridge (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
2Julian Roberts (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
2Bob Ross (Collingtree Park)
2Nic Aikin (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
2Mark Hemmings (Collingtree Park Golf Club)
2John Freeman (Collingtree Park)
2Paul Lovesey (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)

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