
Northants Golf

Delapre Cecil Leitch Statistics

Unbeaten Streak | Winning Streak | Most Appearances | Highest Ratio | Player of the League

28Mary Ganley (Delapre)
26Katie Ashton (Delapre)
20Lizzie Crow (Delapre)
16Julie Edwards (Delapre)
14Linda Adams (Delapre Golf Club)
12Elizabeth McGowan (Delapre)
10Yvonne Jolly (Wellingborough)
10Bina Shah (Wellingborough)
10Ros Colley (Delapre)
9Chris GORE (Delapre)
8Theresa Amalfitano (Delapre)
6Jackie Rolfe (Delapre)
6Carol Collins (Delapre)
4Joan Ritchie (Delapre)
4Carolyn Coxon (Staverton Park)
2Sandra Bentley (Delapre Golf Club)
2No Player Walkover (Delapre Golf Club)
2Mandy-Anne Roberts (Delapre)
2Janet A Reed (Delapre Golf Club)
2Wendy Mckie (Delapre)
2Leah Riband (Delapre Golf Club)

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