
Northants Golf

Kingsthorpe Hollingsworth B Statistics

Unbeaten Streak | Winning Streak | Most Appearances | Highest Ratio | Player of the League

4Carl Jonas (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
4Paul Croxford (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
4Steve Jackson (Kingsthorpe)
2Andrew Lay (Kingsthorpe)
2Peter Scott (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
2Adam Jonathan Bly (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
2kevin purkis (Kingsthorpe)
2Lee O'Connor (Kingsthorpe)
2Ian Townsend (Kingsthorpe)
2Neil Dunkley (Kingsthorpe)
2Ryan Keeber (Delapre)
2Daniel Letts (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)
2Stephen Rogers (Kingsthorpe Golf Club)

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