
Northants Golf

Oundle Cecil Leitch Statistics

Unbeaten Streak | Winning Streak | Most Appearances | Highest Ratio | Player of the League

59Patricia Silburn (Oundle)
47Karen Johnson (Oundle)
37Ros Riley (Oundle)
36Veronica Lyon (Oundle)
30Sarah Parsell (Oundle)
30Elizabeth Swan (Oundle)
28Sheila Homer (Oundle)
28Patricia Dorothy Wilkinson (Oundle Golf Club)
26Carla Fogarty (Oundle)
18Claire Izod (Oundle)
16Ann Ireland (Oundle Golf Club)
8Gerry Robson (Oundle)
8Lyn Cater (Oundle)
8Linda McLeod (Oundle Golf Club)
6Kim Pateman (Oundle)
6Sue Brown (Oundle Golf Club)
6Karen Lesley Taylor (Oundle)
5Deborah Verdino ()
2Patricia Bishton (Oundle Golf Club)

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