
Northants Golf

Oundle Hollingsworth Statistics

Unbeaten Streak | Winning Streak | Most Appearances | Highest Ratio | Player of the League

24Christopher Hankins (Oundle)
24Charlie Fowler (Oundle)
22Denis George Price (Oundle Golf Club)
20Christopher Dix (Oundle Golf Club)
16Charles Underwood (Oundle Golf Club)
12Barry John Watts (Oundle Golf Club)
10Adam Butler (Oundle)
10Michael Davidson (Oundle)
10Phillip Churchward (Oundle Golf Club)
10Jacques Lourens (Oundle)
8Andrew Ireson (Oundle Golf Club)
8L Wyatt (Burghley Park Golf Club)
8Tony Shillcock (Oundle)
8Joel Tadman (Burghley Park Golf Club)
8Paul Kime (Oundle Golf Club)
8Kit Alexander (Burghley Park Golf Club)
6G Rice (Oundle Golf Club)
6Sean Turner (Oundle Golf Club)
6Peter McNally (Oundle Golf Club)
6Norman Emery (Oundle Golf Club)
6Jason Hodgson (Oundle)
6Dean Montgomery (Brampton Heath Golf Centre)
6Thomas Forster (Oundle Golf Club)
4Jack Ireson (Oundle Golf Club)
4Anthony Burrows (Oundle Golf Club)
4Michal Jursa (Oundle Golf Club)
4David (Thrapston) Young (Oundle Golf Club)
4Ian Coleman (Oundle Golf Club)
4G Fowler (Oundle Golf Club)
4David Reardon (Oundle)
4Jordon Bailey (Oundle Golf Club)
4Alex Thurston (Oundle Golf Club)
4Henry Cade (Oundle)
4A Saunders (Oundle Golf Club)
4Richard Hook (Oundle)
4Nick Harrison (Oundle)
4Sean Robert Mead (Wellingborough Golf Club)
4Eddy Lawson (Oundle)
2Stephen Griffin (Oundle)
2David Turner (Oundle Golf Club)
2Graeme Eadie (Oundle)
2Ashley Smith (Oundle Golf Club)
2George Montgomery (Oundle)
2K Richardson (Oundle Golf Club)
2Josh Davis (Oundle Golf Club)
2Richard Moore (Burghley Park Golf Club)
2David Jack (Oundle Golf Club)
2M Plowright (Oundle Golf Club)
2Grant M Holmes (Oundle)
2James Dougal (Thorpe Wood Golf Club)
2A Harrison (Oundle Golf Club)
2Peter Izod (Oundle Golf Club)

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