
Northants Golf

Overstone Cecil Leitch Statistics

Unbeaten Streak | Winning Streak | Most Appearances | Highest Ratio | Player of the League

54Suzanne SILVESTER (Overstone Park)
29Margo Lerin (Overstone Park)
27Katie WATKINS (Overstone Park)
20Kerry HAMBLETON (Overstone Park)
19Averil SUTCLIFFE (Overstone Park)
19Leomelia DAVIS (Overstone Park)
18Chris GORE (Delapre)
16Julie HOWES (Overstone Park)
16Marlene Roy (Overstone Park)
14Freya Pickford (Overstone Park)
12Cathy Wiggins (Overstone Park Golf Club)
10Helen Roy (Overstone Park)
10Gill Hodgson (Overstone Park)
10Julie DALTON (Overstone Park Golf Club)
8Shirley Morton (Overstone Park)
8Baylie Pyke (Overstone Park)
8Susan EVANS (Overstone Park)
6Ellen Steel (Wellingborough)
6Mandy-Anne Roberts (Delapre)
4Gill Osborne (Overstone Park)
4Lynda Davis (Overstone Park)
4Ellen ROE (Overstone Park)
4Jen Kyle (Overstone Park)
4Emily NUNN (Overstone Park)
4Bronwen Pamely (Overstone Park Golf Club)
2Sandy Burgess (Overstone Park)
2Jo Craddock (Overstone Park Golf Club)
2Kathy Dodson (Overstone Park)
2Julie Stapleton (Overstone Park Golf Club)
2Glynis Wingell (Overstone Park)
2Rosemary Scott (Overstone Park)
2Clare Hunter ()
2Lucy Martin (Overstone Park Golf Club)
2Claire GUEST (Wellingborough)
2Abi Kyle (Overstone Park)

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