
Northants Golf

Peterborough Milton Cecil Leitch Statistics

Unbeaten Streak | Winning Streak | Most Appearances | Highest Ratio | Player of the League

35Lj Gill (Peterborough Milton Golf Club)
32Christine Goodall (Peterborough Milton Golf Club)
24Elaine Mankelow (Peterborough Milton)
22Rachael Fisher (Peterborough Milton)
20Janette Hill (Peterborough Milton Golf Club)
18Carol DUNN (Peterborough Milton Golf Club)
14Christine Macleod (Peterborough Milton)
13Myra Landsburgh (Peterborough Milton Golf Club)
12Janet D Goodall (Peterborough Milton Golf Club)
10Hmj Simpson (Peterborough Milton Golf Club)
10Karen Trevor (Peterborough Milton)
10Teresa Ann Dewhurst (Peterborough Milton Golf Club)
10Angela Boxall (Peterborough Milton Golf Club)
6Christine Hunt (Peterborough Milton Golf Club)
6Linda Glossop (Peterborough Milton)
6Gill Preston (Peterborough Milton Golf Club)
6Christine Patrick (Peterborough Milton Golf Club)
4Janet Seconde (Peterborough Milton Golf Club)
4Sandra Stout (Peterborough Milton Golf Club)
3Lesley Fredericks (Peterborough Milton)
2Kim Pateman (Oundle)
2Anne Lowrey (Peterborough Milton)
2Jean Cameron (Peterborough Milton Golf Club)
2Vc Hickling (Peterborough Milton Golf Club)
2Angela Roper (Peterborough Milton Golf Club)
2Barbara Pearsons (Peterborough Milton)

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