
Northants Golf

Rushden Cecil Leitch Statistics

Unbeaten Streak | Winning Streak | Most Appearances | Highest Ratio | Player of the League

37Yvonne Mary Wilcox (Rushden Golf Club)
31Anne Bewers (Rushden Golf Club)
28Gill Mullaney (Rushden Golf Club)
24Ali Thornhill (Rushden Golf Club)
24Karen Findlay (Rushden Golf Club)
22Claire McIlroy (Rushden Golf Club)
22Julie Beavan (Wellingborough)
22Lynda Davis (Overstone Park)
20Elizabeth Hall (Rushden Golf Club)
18Linda Smith (Rushden Golf Club)
12Ellen Steel (Wellingborough)
11Teresa Pack (Rushden Golf Club)
10Sue Stott (Rushden Golf Club)
8Eli Farrington (Wellingborough)
6Christine Roughton (Rushden Golf Club)
6Pam Mccutcheon (Rushden Golf Club)
6Sara DeBanke (Rushden Golf Club)
6Hannah Talbot (Rushden Golf Club)
4Janette Hanger (Rushden Golf Club)
4Janie Wood (Rushden Golf Club)
4Mirian O'Reilly (Rushden Golf Club)
4Judith Flevill (Rushden Golf Club)
4Margaret Litchfield (Rushden Golf Club)
2Pam Digby (Rushden Golf Club)
2Fay Dixon - Kelly (Rushden Golf Club)
2Catherine Wills (Rushden Golf Club)
2Betty Dobbs (Rushden Golf Club)
2Margaret Bird (Rushden Golf Club)
2Jane Houghton (Rushden Golf Club)

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