
Northants Golf

Silverstone Scratch Statistics

Unbeaten Streak | Winning Streak | Most Appearances | Highest Ratio | Player of the League

19Simon Orrey (Silverstone)
14Mark Bennett (Silverstone)
11David Sanders Jnr (Silverstone)
10Jarred Miltz (Silverstone)
10Robbie Turvey (Cherwell Edge Golf Club)
10Mark Jordan (Silverstone)
10Ian Donald (Silverstone)
8Michael Gray (Silverstone Golf Club)
6Alexander Sexton (Silverstone Golf Club)
6Jamie Bryden (Silverstone)
6Steve Bryden (Silverstone)
5Barry Jackson (Silverstone)
4Mel Toms (Silverstone Golf Club)
4James Falvey (Silverstone)
2Russell Rimmer (Northamptonshire County Golf Club)
2Duncan Currie (Silverstone)
2Paul Swain (Whittlebury Park Golf & Country Club)
2Donald G Bucknall (Silverstone Golf Club)
2Phillip Carter (Silverstone)
2No Player - Walkover 1 ()
2Simon Holmes (Silverstone)
2No Player - Walkover 6 ()
2No Player - Walkover 3 ()
2No Player - Walkover 4 ()
2No Player - Walkover 5 ()
2No Player - Walkover 2 ()
2Barry G Jones (Silverstone)

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