
Northants Golf

Wellingborough LADIES Team Statistics

Unbeaten Streak | Winning Streak | Most Appearances | Highest Ratio | Player of the League

10Ashleigh Critchley (Wellingborough Golf Club)
9Gill Snelson (Wellingborough)
8Carol Gibbs (Wellingborough)
5Suzanne Wright (Wellingborough)
5Lema Townsend (Wellingborough)
3Miriam Johnson (Wellingborough)
3Amanda Rawson (Wellingborough)
3Claire GUEST (Wellingborough)
2Kirsty Critchley (Wellingborough)
2No Player - Walkover 3 ()
2No Player - Walkover 1 ()
2No Player - Walkover 2 ()

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