
Northants Golf

Northampton GC Hollingsworth 2 Statistics

Unbeaten Streak | Winning Streak | Most Appearances | Highest Ratio | Player of the League

8Simon Nightingale (Northampton)
8David Summerfield (Northampton)
8Ricky Brown (Northampton)
6Adrian Miller (Northampton)
6Andy Limbert (Northampton)
6Anthony Mccormack (Northampton)
4Josh ( J ) Limbert (Northampton Golf Club)
4Samuel Gilkes (Northampton)
4Adam Smith (Northampton)
4Christopher Kay (Northampton Golf Club)
4Neil Anderson (Northampton Golf Club)
4Ian Clarkson (Northampton Golf Club)
2Glen Moore (Northampton)
2Dave Jones (Northampton)
2Roberto Solazzo (Northampton)
2Sam Bird (Northampton)
2Andy Carter (Northampton Golf Club)
2Benjamin Horgan (Northampton Golf Club)
2Andrew Holifield (Northampton Golf Club)
2George Hiams (Northampton)
2Neil Robinson (Wellingborough)
2David (D A) Dare (Northampton)
2Darren Matthews (Farthingstone Golf Club (Woodlands))
2Stuart Bates (Northampton)
2Lee England (Northampton Golf Club)
2Jordan Matthews (Northampton Golf Club)
2Jake Holden (Northampton)

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